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Poems in N

Douglas L. Simmons

Copyright © 2005 by Douglas L. Simmons

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      Never Take For Granted

      There's never been another lover
      quite the likes of you.
      No one's ever under covers
      done the things you do.

      Never have such deep emotions
      set my heart aflame.
      After such a wild commotion
      how could I ever be the same?

      Bodies made to please each other
      move in perfect time.
      Never will there be another
      matched so close to mine.

      Lest I take this love for granted,
      or let you do the same,
      these words are in my mind implanted
      and in my heart remain.

      Doug L.
      November 8, 1993 12:30 A.M.
      Hammond, Indiana

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      New Beginnings

      Life makes people crazy
      in the head.
      Love makes people crazy
      from the heart.

      When life has left our dreams
      asleep or dead,
      love always lets some
      new beginnings start.

      Doug L.
      September 19, 1993
      Hammond, Indiana

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      Night Wings

      When the sun goes down,
      and the evening time arrives;
      she puts on her night wings,
      and she flies.

      The Rock and Roll
      is the engine roar
      as she launches
      in the night.

      And the crystal ball
      in the dance hall
      lights the stars
      to guide her flight.

      Dazzled by the neon glare
      she's flying with blind eyes.
      She puts on her night wings,
      and she flies.

      Doug L.
      Hammond, Indiana

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Nineteen Sixty Seven

War is often filled with violence, anger, hatred and sadness. And. Sudden endings.

In addition, I suspect. More often than we know: Love.

I read an article in Readers Digest about this young man who sacrificed all to save his companions, and was inspired to write this poem.

Brothers in arms. All about to die. Looking at the hand grenade, with only a split second to make the decision, I am certain this young mans heart contained no hatred. Perhaps there was anger, sadness, and regret.

I know there was love....


      Ninteen Sixty Seven

      Out in the jungle
      the tension stays high.
      Can't afford to bungle
      for you know you could die.

      Yea, you're a soldier.
      Hey! You're a man.
      Want to live to get older,
      and you're hoping you can.

      In that last fire fight
      you heard your self scream,
      if you can sleep at night
      you know you can't dream.

      Hey! What am I doing here?
      Where is the meaning?
      Why all this pain and fear,
      who's sin am I redeeming?

      There was a hand grenade
      Thrown in a clearing.
      There was a decision made,
      then there was a hearing.

      The wife of a soldier
      holds a Medal of Honor.
      The President told her,
      then hung the medal on her.

      There was a brave man
      who wanted to go home,
      but he took too much love with him
      into the combat zone.

      There are fifteen men
      who breath the air of freedom.
      They were sixteen in the jungle then,
      but one died to save them.

      Well I hope they remember
      the death and the jungle rot.
      And I hope they remember
      the love that was not forgot.

      Doug L.
      February 3, 1974
      Mainz, Germany

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      Not For Heroes

      Sons go off to college.
      The Army calls them too.
      Some come back as heroes.
      Some of them never do.

      This song is not for heroes,
      it's not for sons at all.
      This song is for the daughters
      who no one ever calls.

      The ones they've left behind them,
      the ones they've never found.
      The ones who cry for freedom
      when no one knows they're bound.

      This song is for the mothers
      of daughters yet to be.
      This song is for the daughters
      that nature won't set free.

      The ones who would be heroes;
      who cook and make the beds.
      The ones who would be heroes;
      who cry at night instead.

      Doug L.
      Hammond, Indiana

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      Nothing Is Touched

      You can't be found.
      You're gunning uptown,
      but you're only running down.
      Nothing is touched by you.

      I'm looking at you.
      Looking to do
      to you.... Oooo
      nothing new.

      Sing songs of sadness,
      I know you have had less than you.
      Standing around with your head full of sound,
      and nothing is heard by you.

      Push them to reach
      into the ground,
      where nothing is found.
      Nothing will reach through to you.

      Doug L.
      January 10, 1974
      Mainz, Germany

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